Footage (Audio/Video) License

License terms vary based on the specifics pertaining to materials and usage, as well as the parameters of rights.
Please list all information below in a detailed fashion to help determine licensing terms.

    Institution Name *

    Institution Address *

    Contact/Institution Representative Name, Title *

    Contact/Institution Representative Email Address *

    Contact/Institution Representative Phone Number *

    Film Title(s) to be Licensed *

    Project Name, Project Description, Approximate Length, and scope and scale of archival footage to be used *

    Rights Required – Territory/Regions *

    Rights Required – Media (specific platforms and media types) *

    Rights Required – License Duration (timeframe of usage) *

    Approximate amount of Footage to License (seconds/minutes) *
    If segment/s of interest are known please list here

    Additional Rights and considerations *

    Additional Notes

    *required field